As far as the can design goes, It's like the old Jolt cans (from before they had a pull-tab), only much smaller. It's got that aluminum screw-on cap that pops when you open it, issuing a cool white vapor that adds to the excitement I feel whenever I open ANY drink, let alone this one.
In the drink's description, they mention how nitrous oxide (not to be confused with NOS) has been added to the drink. Which in effect goes only as far as nitrogenated water. Basically just adds to the "fizz."
I don't knock Monster for doing something interesting with their drink. I find the Super Dry to be fairly pleasing to the tastebuds.
As far as the boost goes... I can't notice a whole lot. At least, nothing more than a regular Original Monster would give. So the kick is so-so.
Listed in the can's "energy blend" are the usuals... caffeine, L-carnitine, Glucose, guarana, and some ingredients that I don't see too often in energy drinks; Glucuronolactone, inositol, maltodextrin, and yerba mate.
in the health department, I see a lack in high-fructose corn syrup, and the can in its entirety is only 160 calories. A good call for those trying to cut down on calorie intake, in terms of buzz/calorie ratio, while still aiming for something mildly tasty.
Still, the can's got that "pregnant women/children/caffeine-sensitive indivuduals" disclaimer that I like on my drinks... makes me feel edgy. But for an average human being, the disclaimer is probably wise advice. They should probably add "people with heart problems," too. But that's just me...
My final verdict is thus: 8/10, for good flavor, good buzz, lacking a bit in size, at least for me, and healthier than an original Monster.