The can itself was a more-or-less simple yellow-and-black can with the active ingredients listed around the rim at the top... you know, like every energy drink ever has done.
But regardless, AMP isn't known to be too adventurous in their can designs. Pretty much just shifting colors around.
As far as energization (I made that word up... I think) goes, the buzz is pretty standard. Noticable, but by no means revolutionary. The energizing ingredients are pretty standard; caffeine, taurine, ginseng, guarana, L-carnitine, and the ambiguous "B-vitamins" tag. Which I guess is supposed to make it look healthy, or something. At 220 calories for the whole can, it's at least one-tenth the entire day's calorie intake, assuming you're on a daily 2,000 calorie diet. Which is pretty normal.
Overall, I enjoyed this drink, but it's ultimately somewhat forgettable.
Final verdict: 7/10 for mildly enjoyable taste, okay buzz, but lacking in originality.
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