Interesting, to say the least.
This Neuro Bliss beverage I found in my college's book store had me a bit confused when I first popped it open. The Health factor seems to be this comestible's main focus.
Cracking the plastic sealed cap issued the telltale "puff" of a soda (or, to be more politically correct, carbonation). The steam/vapor liefted from the revealed mouth of the clear plastic bottle. THe flavor... not too impressive, to be honest. Not too sweet, or sour, or fruity... I suppose I could compare it to tea, in the flavor department. I was half-expecting (after that showy opening) it to be loaded with flavors to offset any health-beneficiary ingredients that wouldn't be as agreeable to the tastebuds. But I suppose I was only half right. There is SOME flavor, I just can't quite pin down what it is. It's something of a neutral bland flavor. In all honesty, I think some of the flavor may come from the carbonation itself.
But moving on, the ingredients on the bottle are what caught my attention. Acetyl-L-Carnitine, L-Phenylalanine, 5-Hydroxytryptophan, L-Theanine, Eleutherococcus senticosus, Rhodiola rosea, and ginkgo bilola. No caffeine. No taurine. No guarana, and no extensive sugar (9g in the whole bottle). And all for 35 calories per bottle. Yup. Definitely healthy. Which, let's be honest, it a good thing for me, personally. I've had so many of those Red Bulls and Full Throttles that my blood could very well make a delicious syrup for pankakes, waffles, and pastries.
The description on their website says "NeuroBliss is happiness in a bottle. Bliss promotes relaxation without drowsiness, relieves anxiety and enhances overall mood, allowing you to concentrate."
I can certainly say that their description is pretty close. I feel relaxed. Not energized as usual. Of course, either way I'm lazy as all hell, but...
Final verdict: 6.5/10 for keeping it healthy, staying true to the "relaxation" thing, but the taste... the taste took some gettng used to, and that's what knocked down the score. Oh, it was also pricey. Like $2.49, I think...
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