I'll be honest, here. This drink is a lot like that Neuro I reviewed a few weeks ago. As in it's not an energy drink, but more of a health/relaxation beverage. And I'm okay with this.
The bottle states "The Happy Relaxation Drink." They weren't kidding. This has a tasty tropical feel to it, with the mango/lime combo they injected into it. It, like the Neuro I mentioned above, is lightly carbonated, so it is still technically "soda," but lacks many of the harmful ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup, and stuff like that. And for that reason, I tip my hat the the gents at VIB for keeping their products shit-free.
The bottle is a tall aluminum can with a screw-on cap. Kinda like those aluminum Mountain Dew bottles that are like limited edition or something... I remember they sold the Halo 3 Game Fuel in the cans for a while...
But anyway, I can't say this beverage made me more energetic... because that's not what it's supposed to do. I DO feel relaxed a bit, but seeing as how I've got stuff I have to do today, I can't make an accurate measurement of how relaxed I get.
It was good, but not THAT good. Wasn't too impressed. It was like drinking carbonated juice. Not usually my thing, but I'm okay with it for now.
However, having seen their website, and hearing the slow ska/reggae theme song they've got, that makes me rethink my verdict. I bumped it up from 6 to 6.5 out of ten.