Also, prepare for many immature double entendres.
But anyway... a haphazard trip to a dingy little gas station close to college led me to this appropriately colored blue-bottled drink. I knew of the big flavor Bawls packs, but I never could find it anywhere. I had looked far and wide for the 10-ozer with the name that's easy to make puns out of...
Bawls. Big, blue, tasty Bawls. So imagine my surprise when I walk into the little quick-e-mart sort of thing, and see a case full'o Bawls.
I grabbed two, paid for them (the five dollars or so seemed expensive, but it was worth it for such a rare and hard-to-find item), drove home, and popped one of thes Bawls open. All over into my mouth.
I gotta say... the first whiff of sweet Bawls smell was intriguing. But the flavor definitely lived up to its reputation. It was smooth, lightly carbonated (much like a Red Bull), and very sweet. Reminded me of beer if beer had less hops and more sugar. But tenfold. Definitely a unique blend. And not in a bad way.
The energy kick I'm getting from the drink is right around what I would call a standard. If such a thing exists. I'm feeling perky and alert, and typing a bit faster than usual. It would seem a majority of the energy-ness comes from high caffeine and guarana content. And that's about it. No Tauring, no L-Carnitine... just the bare minimum. And that may work to Bawls' advantage.
The packaging is very appealing to me. I would be funny if it came in a sack... a Bawls Sack... but a bottle is the tiptop classy way to drink ANY carbonated beverage. Bottled sodas rock. And Bawls is no exception.
120 calories per bottle... not bad. The "Ingredient" list was awfully short. I think that's probably a good thing. Less additives and such. So it's healthier than, say, a Rockstar. It DOES have a variation of the generic disclaimer... it doesn't go too in-depth, stating merely, "Warning: This product contains high levels of cafeine." Subtle, but sufficient.
My final verdict: 9.5 out of 10. This stuff is amazing. The presentation, the name, the flavor, the kick... I love Bawls. It's not PERFECT, but it's still pretty damn good. But it was a bit expensive. $2.39. Could have just been the gas station, but I dunno...